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Duct Tape and NASA

I get a new photo from NASA's historicial files every day.

Here's the latest, a shot of Gus Grissom being helped into his Liberty Bell capsule in July 1961. You'll recall that Grissom's capsule sunk while he was being picked up after splashdown.

Look closely at the hatch - is that DUCT TAPE around the window?


Harsh Realities Set In

Wow - our nearly 20-year-old daughter came home from her summer job this week with the sad realization that she has a much stronger work ethic than nearly everyone else in the retail store at which she's employed for the summer.

She landed hard when the store manager, someone with a college degree and corporate training, came to unlock the place 35 minutes late - carrying a cup of Starbucks and looking hung-over. The manager tried to brush it off as getting up late, to which my daughter replied, "When you're late, you shouldn't stop for coffee."

I was about 4 years older when the reality hit me and I recall phoning my Dad to ask his advice. He told me the same thing I told my kid - "Don't set your standards by what others do."

In others words -

    Don't let the bastards drag you down to their level.
Curious - what would you say (or have your said) to a young worker in a similar situation?


Renew Your Mind

I may be the last person on the block to have read something, but that's never stopped me from shouting about it - so here goes:

Thanks to Mike Atkinson, I am reading A Whole New Mind by Dan Pink.

Nutshell - a tremendous examination of the difference between right and left brain thinking. Folks on either side of the divide will find value in his ideas.

I would write more, but I want to get back to the book.


Twilight Zone?

Forget fireworks and backyard BBQ parties - my favorite thing about the 4th of July is SciFi Network's annual Twilight Zone marathon. Thanks to TiVo, I have enough Rod Serling to last me until the next video obession takes hold.

Are you addicted? What is it that keeps us glued to the set when Serling's little gems are on?

Is it the excitement of seeing a current "big star" in perhaps their first role? Is it the not-always-subtle jabs at conventional wisdom or societal norms? Perhaps the odd plot twists. Or even the often corny acting.

What ever it is, I can't wait "til next year when I'll watch them all again.

Seems to me that whatever it is that makes Twight Zone "sticky" could be replicated for other products and services. Yes?


Happy Birthday to PodCasting

Wow - July 5th, 2006 - Just noticed that iTunes is celebrating the FIRST YEAR ANNIVERSARY of the podcasts on the iTunes application.


Everyone needs new ideas

There's a TV spot from VISA that makes my heart flutter everytime it airs because the four companies profiled in the 30-second commercial are all ripe candidates for the type of work I do.

Every organization, regardless of their size and experience, needs a constant flow of new ideas.

Go to the VISA site, and scroll down to find the commercial titled Business Inspiration.

Watch it few times and ask yourself (or your team) two questions:

1) Which of the four companies are we most like?
2) Where could we stand to have some new ideas?

If you can't answer the second one, you're in trouble.


New logo -

Is anyone left?

So, it's been about two months since anything was posted here and a month or two of limited postings before that.

Truth is - I have been writing a book and there haven't been any creative juices left at the end of the day.

Now that the manuscript has been delivered (pub date is Spring 2007) I can start directing some of my limited mental capacity back to this blog.

If you are still around - thanks for your patience. Please take a minutes to check out my brand new web site and check in periodically as I start to fill the Fool's Box with the random meanderings of a different mind.

Feels good to be back.